Dyeing factories are out of stock and dyeing fees are rising!  Textile person: The pressure is increasing, but the bigger the storm, the more expensive the fabric becomes!

Dyeing factories are out of stock and dyeing fees are rising! Textile person: The pressure is increasing, but the bigger the storm, the more expensive the fabric becomes!

In the past two days, it has been obvious that the spring breeze has blown. At the same time, the peak season of the textile market has also reached the middle of the month. Has th…

The original price is 210,000, and the current price is 120,000!  Consumer: It smells great!  Textile Man: This scene seems familiar

The original price is 210,000, and the current price is 120,000! Consumer: It smells great! Textile Man: This scene seems familiar

Recently, the “price reduction wave” has swept through the automobile industry. Dongfeng Citroen started to cut prices significantly. The original price of C6 was 210,000 yuan, whi…

“Golden Three” is not golden?  The explosion in printing and dyeing is an illusion!  Boss Bu predicted: The factory is about to start taking turns!

“Golden Three” is not golden? The explosion in printing and dyeing is an illusion! Boss Bu predicted: The factory is about to start taking turns!

March is about to pass halfway. Is the “Golden Three” golden in the traditional peak season? 01 The market in March was not as good as expected The recent market condit…

The average daily inventory of gray fabrics has dropped again and again. Is the dyeing factory just a “false fire”?

The average daily inventory of gray fabrics has dropped again and again. Is the dyeing factory just a “false fire”?

Judging from the operation of the textile market in February, the overall performance of dyeing plants can be said to be outstanding, and “explosion” and “postpon…

Bring cash and line up to get this new fabric!  New product research and development has become a mainstream trend!

Bring cash and line up to get this new fabric! New product research and development has become a mainstream trend!

Spring means hope and rebirth, and March is the traditional peak season for the textile market. It has been nearly half a month since the market entered the peak season, and many c…

A big market of 300 million people, this is the next “gold mine” for textile people

A big market of 300 million people, this is the next “gold mine” for textile people

In 2022, with the rise of the outdoor economy and the overall poor environment, textile workers who make tent fabrics are making a lot of money. But as more and more textile compan…

Crude oil crashed, falling 4% overnight!  No one cares about the price reduction of polyester yarn!  Who can give Jin San confidence?

Crude oil crashed, falling 4% overnight! No one cares about the price reduction of polyester yarn! Who can give Jin San confidence?

Just now! Crude oil collapsed! The situation on the crude oil side in the past two days is not optimistic. After the second week of March, the price of crude oil plummeted. As of t…


Another 150,000 meters had to be cancelled?  The order placed a month ago has not yet arrived!  The textile boss said directly: But we are really too busy.

Another 150,000 meters had to be cancelled? The order placed a month ago has not yet arrived! The textile boss said directly: But we are really too busy.

It has been the norm in recent years that the Jin San is not gold. Many textile bosses said that this year’s Jin San is not good. Although the editor has indeed heard a lot of bad …

The big one is really coming this time!  Banks are hit by thunderstorms one after another, and “black swans” continue!  Textile people: Survive this wave and turn into a butterfly from cocoon

The big one is really coming this time! Banks are hit by thunderstorms one after another, and “black swans” continue! Textile people: Survive this wave and turn into a butterfly from cocoon

Recently,Silicon Valley Bank and other U.S. banks have collapsed one after another, and then Credit Suisse has experienced a crisis, and “black swans” have followed one…

Volume and price fall?  !  A truck driver who has been in the industry for ten years tells the current situation of the textile industry

Volume and price fall? ! A truck driver who has been in the industry for ten years tells the current situation of the textile industry

It’s mid-March, but it seems like the traditional peak season has missed its promise again. Recently, during a market visit, I came across a truck driver loading fabrics. After cha…
