China Fabric Factory Fabric News The use of low-grade cotton recycling and reused cotton

The use of low-grade cotton recycling and reused cotton

The use of low-grade cotton recycled and reused cotton The characteristics of late low-grade cotton are poor maturity, fine fiber, low fiber strength, high moisture content, more s…

The use of low-grade cotton recycled and reused cotton

The characteristics of late low-grade cotton are poor maturity, fine fiber, low fiber strength, high moisture content, more short lint, and many defects; early low-grade cotton has better maturity, less impurities, but thick fiber, low strength, and insect-damaged cotton. There are more dead fibers (stiff flakes) in the medium. Because the fineness of late-stage low-grade cotton fibers is fine, it is beneficial to the strength of the yarn. It can be mixed with some cotton in the warp yarn, which has a certain effect on improving the strength of the warp yarns; while the early-stage low-grade cotton fibers are very thin and have low strength, which is not good for the strength of the yarn, but It has fewer defects and has little impact on the appearance of the yarn, so it can be mixed with cotton in the weft yarn. When using it, you should also pay attention to its impact on the color and color of the finished product to avoid differences in the color of the fabric. In addition, during the spinning process, each process will produce some back flowers, such as rewinding, return strips, roving ends, top roller flowers (end-breaking cotton suction), etc. The nature of the pattern is basically the same as that of mixed cotton, except that there are slightly more neps and an increase in short lint. Some recycled flowers can be directly recycled into special materials, and the mixing amount does not exceed 5%. Some of them need to be processed before they can be recycled into special materials or reduced to a coarser material for recycling. Reused cotton includes waste from blowroom machines (commonly known as cotton waste), needle guard cotton from carding, and combing waste. It is characterized by containing a lot of impurities and short velvet. Most of them are processed and reduced to a coarser quality for special use. Some can be spun into secondary yarn or secondary yarn, and some are sent to waste spinning mills for finishing.



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Author: clsrich
