China Fabric Factory Fabric News Lushan, Henan: Excavating and developing traditional industries to become the golden sign of sericulture

Lushan, Henan: Excavating and developing traditional industries to become the golden sign of sericulture

On July 22, the Henan Province Lushan County Old District Construction Promotion Association investigated Lushan County silk production enterprises such as Fairy Weaving Industry a…

On July 22, the Henan Province Lushan County Old District Construction Promotion Association investigated Lushan County silk production enterprises such as Fairy Weaving Industry and Trade, Zhaocun Tussah Seed Production Farm, Sikeskeshu Zhanggou Village High-efficiency Tussah Breeding Base and other sericulture production Condition.

Lushan County is a typical main production area of ​​tussah silkworms in the country and a tussah silkworm production base county in Henan Province. Zapo is rich in resources, has a long history of sericulture and has profound cultural heritage. Tussah silkworm production has always been the key to Lushan County. Famous, special and excellent” traditional characteristic industries. The county has 1.37 million acres of Zapo resources, 701,000 acres of which are suitable for silkworm cultivation. Currently, there are 12 townships (townships, offices) and 22 administrative villages in the county engaged in the production of tussah and mulberry silkworms. The county party committee and the county government have focused on the traditional specialty industry of tussah mulberry silkworms, increased support, and introduced a series of measures to benefit silkworms.

“The County Sericulture Development Service Center conscientiously implements the sericulture development reward and subsidy policies of the County Party Committee and County Government, strengthens services, implements special funds, distributes sericulture subsidy materials for free, and purchases sericulture insurance for sericulture farmers. Actively promote the sustainable and healthy development of the sericulture industry.” said He He, director of the Lushan County Sericulture Development Service Center.

In recent years, Lushan County has actively responded to the national “Belt and Road” strategy, followed the overall layout of Lushan’s sericulture “14th Five-Year Plan”, combined with the actual situation of the county’s sericulture, and relied on resource advantages to expand and expand With the goal of strengthening characteristic industries, we vigorously advocate the development concept of “appropriate scale for primary industry, extreme high-quality products for secondary industry, and integration of culture and tourism into tertiary industry”, innovate new ideas for integrated development of “industry + culture + ecology”, and adopt “grasping technology, With the new measures of “Building Bases, Developing Leaders, and Promoting Services”, we will create a number of ecological sericulture demonstration towns (towns) that integrate tussah silkworm breeding, cocoon silk processing, “industry, academia, and research” integration and leisure and tourism, and develop and cultivate them. Cordyceps militaris, pupa oil and new food and health care products have further established the Lushan sericulture industry as a golden brand and featured industry highlight.

“Lushan has a long history of sericulture, and our Lushan silk products have been around since 1915. We won the gold medal at the San Francisco International Commodity Competition. Lushan is full of tussah slopes and is blessed with clear waters and green mountains. How to transform it into a mountain of gold and silver requires long-term planning. We must not only cultivate leaders with strong driving ability, high added value and significant economic benefits. enterprises, and to create a series of well-known brands for cocoon and silk fine processing, so that the county’s sericulture industry can form a new pattern of regional planting, large-scale operation, and industrial development, radiate and drive the poor people in mountainous areas to become rich, and promote the simultaneous development of Lushan tussah and mulberry and silkworm culture The integrated development of tourism can truly turn green waters and green mountains into mountains of gold and silver. ” said Hao Yuanfang, president of the Lushan County Elderly Promotion Association.


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Author: clsrich
