China Fabric Factory Fabric News Gansu’s “Professional Warehousing Supervision + Warehouse Notary Inspection” cotton storage volume exceeded 10,000 tons

Gansu’s “Professional Warehousing Supervision + Warehouse Notary Inspection” cotton storage volume exceeded 10,000 tons

Since the first batch of cotton was put into storage on October 16, Gansu Province’s “professional warehousing supervision + warehouse notarization inspection” work has been carrie…

Since the first batch of cotton was put into storage on October 16, Gansu Province’s “professional warehousing supervision + warehouse notarization inspection” work has been carried out smoothly despite the impact of the epidemic and other factors, and the cumulative amount of cotton put into storage has exceeded 10,000 tons.

In order to resume cotton production in the mainland and ensure the safety of my country’s cotton industry, in accordance with the requirements of relevant departments, qualified provinces in the mainland should promote the implementation of “professional warehousing supervision + “Treasury Notarization Inspection” work. Gansu Province has high cotton yield and excellent quality, and has the basic conditions for implementation. With the vigorous promotion of the Agricultural Materials and Cotton and Linen Bureau of the General Supply and Marketing Cooperative, the China Cotton Association and relevant departments at all levels in Gansu Province, as well as the support and help of the China Fiber Quality Monitoring Center, all departments of the national cotton trading market have worked closely together to improve political We have concentrated our superior strength to actively overcome the impact of the epidemic and launched the “professional warehousing supervision + warehouse notarization inspection” work for Gansu cotton. Currently, all work is smooth and smooth. According to statistics, as of November 30, the scheduled warehousing volume of cotton was 13,800 tons, and 290 batches of 11,200 tons were actually put into warehousing. The annual warehousing volume is expected to exceed 20,000 tons.

The success of Gansu Province’s “professional warehousing supervision + warehouse notarization inspection” work will serve as a good example and lead for other provinces in the mainland to carry out this work. It will help mobilize the enthusiasm of mainland cotton farmers to plant cotton, promote the recovery of cotton planting area in the mainland, and stabilize the domestic cotton supply and demand pattern.


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Author: clsrich
